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Monday, May 26, 2014

Speech Made by Former South African President P.W. Botha to his Cabinet 27 years Ago

This is a speech made by former South African President P.W. Botha to his cabinet about 27 years ago. I quote…” We are not obliged even the least to try to prove to anybody and to the blacks that we are superior people. We have demonstrated that to the blacks in 1001 ways. The Republic of South Africa that we know of today has not been created by wishful thinking. We have created it at the expenses of intelligence, sweat and blood. We do not pretend like other whites that we like the blacks. The fact that, blacks look like human beings and act like human beings do not necessarily make them sensible human beings. Hedgehogs are not porcupines and lizards are not crocodiles because they look alike. If God had wanted us to be equal to the blacks, he would have created us all of a uniform color and intellect. But he created us differently: Whites, Blacks, Yellow, Rulers and the ruled. Intellectually, we are superior to the Blacks; that has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt over the years. By now every one of us has seen it practically that the Blacks cannot rule themselves. Give them guns and they will kill each other. They are good in nothing else but making noise, dancing, marrying many wives and indulging in sex. Let us all accept that the Black-man is a symbol of poverty, mental inferiority, laziness and emotional incompetence. Isn't it plausible? Therefore that the White-man is created to rule the Black-man. And here is a creature (Black-man) that lacks foresight. The average Black does not plan his life beyond a year”. Folks, 27 years ago, I would have been disgusted by this speech. But looking at these incompetent and corrupt African leaders meeting here to celebrate AU day in South Africa, I have no choice but to agree.....#Corruptleaders #africanleaders #bringbackourgirls #worldcup2014 #africansindmix #sos #riseupafrica #standupafrica

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